Mar 26, 2006 - work    Comments Off on making up my mind… one step at a time,

making up my mind… one step at a time,

Its been a very interesting few weeks. I have come to terms with a lot of my feelings and I think I’m starting to make sense of the world in my own way.

But I’ve had quite a lot of fun along the way. I’ve done tonnes of Scout stuff, applied to an International Scout Camp, helped at a half marathon, and really got stuck into every new thing I’ve tried.

And then got told I was basically incompetent at my job! Lets just say it helped me make my mind up about a lot of things. I came to the conclusion that I am bored and need to go and do something different with my life.

Its definalty spurred me on to get ready for this Army selection in a few weeks, and pretty much made the decision to apply for the international camp. It may just have been a positive experience, even though it didn’t feel that way at the time.

I think I forgot for a while that there is a positive side to every situation…. even if it is not immediatly apparant.

Anyway, I think I’m back to my old self now.

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