Archive from February, 2006
Feb 19, 2006 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Answers on a postcard please…

Answers on a postcard please…

There are some really hard things to do in life, some are bad things, and some are good.

I am stuck with one of the good ones at the moment. I have to write a personal statement about why I would make a good Camp Cousellor on a Scout Camp.

Funny, I write about things all day both on and off line, but I find it really difficult to write about what I am good at and what I can bring to something so important. I know I can do it but how do I go about saying it?

Plenty of other people manage to do it – so why can’t I?

I’ll start with a list here I think…

  • Good Organiser.
  • Flexible.
  • Keen to Learn.
  • Take advantage of opportunities.
  • Practical.
  • Logical.
  • Team player.
  • Use Intiative.

Ok, so I know what I can do and recognise my strengths. Perhaps I’ll give it another shot?

Must go write now…

Feb 19, 2006 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on I want to…

I want to…

Get up earlier.

Why, oh why can I not drag myself out of bed in teh mornings. I know when I do get up early it is so much better. I have more energy, i get more done, and I can gain so much time and get so much done.

I know this.

So why on Earth can I not get out of bed early???

Feb 16, 2006 - understanding, work    Comments Off on Customer Service …or how not to act…

Customer Service …or how not to act…

Where I work, customer service, in its many forms, is held as an absolute priority. Queues should not be allowed to form, and all staff must be customer facing at the peak time. Although I do not always agree with the definition of customer service and how it is applied, I realised today how important some of the things we have to do actually are.

I was in Dixons today during my half hour break. There were about twenty customers in the store. There were about seven members of staff, anda queue for the till about six deep.

There was one person on the Cash desk. One person, serving those who wished to pay. and the other memeber of staff were standing around, laughing and joking, and fiddling with the displays. Absolutely appalling customer service! I wouldn’t be allowed, nor would I want, to act in such a manner at work.

It makes me wonder whether the art of customer service has been well and truly lost.

Feb 15, 2006 - understanding    1 Comment

Going nowhere fast

Do you ever feel that you can work really hard, and yet do not seem to make any progress.

Or is it because at the end of it there is one big task that awaits you, and the longer you leave it, the bigger it becomes.

Guess who’s timewasting again. 😀

Feb 15, 2006 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Watching the stars go by…

Watching the stars go by…

Listening to iTunes and Natalie Imbruglia’s Counting down the Days and rrealising how much I miss J. and just how much I feel for him.

Wow. I didn’t know I could be this happy.

Feb 15, 2006 - news and current affairs    Comments Off on Why the NHS needs to change…

Why the NHS needs to change…

There is gross inefficiency in our healthcare system. Whilst in theory the NHS is a great idea, the provision of treatment for all in the age old British tradition of a queue (otherewise know as a waiting list that grows ever longer), does not always work.

My 85 year old Nan has needed a knee replacemnt for just under a year. After fiddling and faddleing around, her local hospital, with whom she had not yet had one consultation, told her she would be better off at a hospital in the neighbouring health authority. This was probably the best move that could have been made. She was seen by the consultant within three weeks of her notes arriving (although all the wasted time had meant she had picked up an infection that needed to be cleared up first).

She goes in for her knee replacemnt tomorrow. She will be in for at least a week, with around 8 – 10 weeks recovering. By the time all is said and done she will have been waiting over a year.

And the reason the NHS costs so much… so much waiting and pressure on my Nan’s good knee means that her other knee will need to be replaced too! Think how much money could be saved if the British tradition of queueing and waiting our turn were to be scrapped!

Don’t get me wrong, I think the NHS is good, but there are so many inefficiencies that it could be so much better.

Feb 14, 2006 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Who needs a tacky card anyway?

Who needs a tacky card anyway?

I’ve never really fallen for all the Valentine’s day hype, and I’ve often claimed it is a day that is overshadowed by commercial spin that is placed on many celebrations nowadays. But the I still like the idea of Valentine’s day.

The important thing about Valentine’s day is to make it special to you. It does not need to be lavish or extravagant, it does not need to be tacky and tasteless. As long as you and your Valentine share the day in your own special way, that is all that matters.

Feb 14, 2006 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Its Valentines day…

Its Valentines day…

For years I’ve been saying that Valentines day is yet another pointless moneymaking exercise….

…. but not this year!

I’m going out with a really great guy, who makes me so happy, happier than I think I’ve ever been.


Feb 13, 2006 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Ok, so it has been a while…

Ok, so it has been a while…

I’ve been posting over at LJ for quite a while but to be honset I haven’t got on so well with the format and layout. I much prefer the Blogger tools so I’m coming back here. I’ll likely use LJ a bit for the communities but this is just so much better. I wrote a lot more here and whilst no-one ever read it, I enjoyed writing here.

So, I’m back.

Just a follow up to the ‘Guy and Girl’ issue from a few posts ago… Girl got the sack and Guy is doing very well. I love it when I’m right.
