Archive from March, 2005
Mar 14, 2005 - understanding    Comments Off on Time flies…

Time flies…

I graduate in July. It’s a terrifying thought. I finish Uni in June. Where have the last three years (nearly) gone? How is it nearly April already?

These are life’s eternal questions.

I think uni has changed me. Tomorrow I have to host a visiting speaker. Introduce him to the class, prompt the questioners, and play ‘host’. Two and a half years ago, the though would have terrified me. Last week I volunteered. I am a new person. I even surprised myself with that.

I have hope for the real world after all.

Mar 13, 2005 - understanding    Comments Off on Opportunity Knocks…

Opportunity Knocks…

A while back I received the best piece of advice ever:

“take advantage of every opportunity that is presented to you”

Its true. A random conversation at the weekend, and I’ve been offered the opportunity for a work placement. I know it will cut short my Easter break, but at the end of the day, if it helps in the future, then its worth it.

All of life is experience. Every little thing builds on another. If you don’t seize opportunities, you can be certain someone else will. There are so any students who graduate with nothing on their CV. No hobbies or skills. It show that all you did at uni was read books, or that you were too lazy (like a lot of students are) to get up and do something with your time. This was my problem in my first year, however in my second year I joined a society, got involved with volunteering and Tae Kwon-Do and haven’t looked back. I realised that my CV needed to say more. And that is the most important thing about going to university – life experience. (Oh, and the degree as well!)

And that, said John, is that.

Mar 11, 2005 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on QuickKwiz : Bloggers’ Quiz – What Kind of Geek are You?

QuickKwiz : Bloggers’ Quiz – What Kind of Geek are You?

QuickKwiz : Bloggers’ Quiz – What Kind of Geek are You?

What Kind of Geek are You?
Favourite Color
Your IQ is high
You are a gamer geek
Your strength is you can see in the dark
Your weakness is chocolate
You think normal people are interesting
Normal people think that you are deranged
This Quiz by owlsamantha – Taken 197966 Times.

New – How do you get a guy to like you?

Mar 11, 2005 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on Timewasting…


Isn’t the internet a timewaster. My expereince of the internet can be split into two catagories:

  • Before Broadband (until two weeks ago)
  • Post Broadband

I now laugh at how slow dial up is. But I really don’t miss it! On the negative, side I spend even more time on the net now than I used to. Which is a scary thought.

But seroiusly, I’d recommend Broadband to anyone. There was an article on BBC news about a man whose got rid of broadband. My reaction: “Are you nuts!?” Maybe its how you use it, but, still… Getting rid of Broadband.

Big Bonus: part of the assesment I have to do is actually posting on a discussion board – How cool is that!

Anyway, back to the Uni work I should be doing…

Note to self: Do not get distracted.
